Thursday, June 24, 2010

As you can see, I changed the look of this blog. I figured it was about time for a makeover. Unfortunately, in doing so I lost the code to see the statistics of how many viewers/page views/etc. I've gotten for the past few days. I was worried for a bit wondering why no one wanted to read my blog anymore! But Evan helped me figure out the problem and get that running again. Phew.

The last weekend of Godspell has arrived! These six weekends of shows have gone by quickly. I really do wish I had something lined up right after this ends, but I'm going to trust this manager/agent path for now and hopefully I'll start booking things. I think the audition went well yesterday. The scene felt very comfortable, and the CD and I talked a little about Gilroy and other food festivals after we were done. Of course I would love to get callbacks, and definitely book things, but I'm glad to be meeting these people and performing well in front of them.

I've been battling a weird cold for a week now. It's been all over the place - started with sinuses, went into headaches, then a sore throat, and now coughing. There were a couple points during the week that I thought I'd lose my voice which was pretty worrisome, considering I have 5 performances to do this weekend. I'm pretty sure most of the people that surround me in my daily life don't really understand the concept of vocal rest, so hopefully they don't think I'm being a jerk and ignoring them from periodically. If I didn't have to work today, I'd be locked in my bathroom with the shower on the hottest setting to steam whatever this cold thing is out of me.

It's always fun to show up to the theater for Godspell... you never know what amazing snack Diane had made for all of us, or what stories/antics Loren will tell, or what we draw in our pictures in the second act. The show really does change every time we do it, and I think it's great. Evan's going to come and see it again tomorrow so he can experience the new full cast (i.e. with Neil in it). I'm sure we can all expect some really good performances this weekend.

What else, what else..... In The Heights was amazing!! I didn't know much about it going in, and it completely wowed me. Evan wrote a review of it, you can check it out here. Even he really liked it, so that's a great sign. I plan on seeing it again on a day when they have different people playing some of the characters, because why not? I'm not sure how the "student rush" tickets or whatever they're called work, but I'll figure it out.

I'm going to take care of this migraine, and then off to the show!

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